Stepped (microwave) Pyramids

 Giza Pyramids
Djoser's Pyramid

The oldest surviving major (60m high) stone pyramid in the world at Saqqara in Egypt (c3620BCE)

An Overview

Across five millennia of pyramid building, the most basic and common form, even in Egypt, is the stepped pyramid design. However, as time goes on it is becoming apparent many other very different structures served basically the same purpose or combination of purposes.

Known mostly as mastabas or zigurrats, they are found in all shapes and sizes and were built from everything from wood, mud, adobe, rough natural or the finely dressed stone as seen in the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico  and many other sites. The major pyramids commonly resulted from repeated enlargement. Five or six enlargements of a basic structure is extremely common and indeed almost universal for larger pyramids with 18  enlargements the record so far. The major pyramids were commonly surrounded by many smaller pyramid structures to a radius of 200km or more. Up to 20,000 small pyramids commonly surround between 20-70 middle-sized pyramids with one or two "great" pyramids at the centre. To top

No Royal Burials

Only a tiny percentage of pyramids anywhere has ever been shown to contain any human remains and of the major pyramids only in a tiny handful was there any real evidence they ever contained royal burials and, contrary to common belief, none of those was in Egypt. Although symbolic sarcophaguses are not uncommom, the only sealed one ever found, was empty, except for a bunch of dead flowers. Apart from the occasional mummy of a  mother or spouse, as far as I am aware, the only royal burials on record in any major pyramid in the world are of the Moche kings, at Tecume, in Peru.

In a study of all pyramids we are looking at  more than 1500 truly major structures, more than 12 "Great" Pyramids (equal or bigger than those at Giza) and over 50,000 known pyramids in total. They were built build globally over a period of over 5 millennia and are are found on every inhabited continent and on islands right around the world. Put all the facts together and there can be no doubt at all they served some very important and practical purpose within their community almost certainly associated with highly successful trade arrangements on a national level. To top

Clear Purpose

It is also totally evident that all the ancient communites associated with pyramids of all types demonstrated a very significant level of social prosperity during the historical period from the time of their initial construction. Since the construction of ancient pyramids defines a time of significant past wealth and prosperity, it must be assumed the pyramids themselves were in some way associated with that success. Ipso facto, the pyramids in some way facilitated international trade. The questions then become, how and with whom? To top

It seems reasonably proven pyramids in general  were in some way involved in international trade. It also seems reasonably proven the 'True'  pyramids  produced a vertical beam of reflected sunlight and were also in some way closely connected to the earlier stepped that were nevertheless a quarter of their size pyramids. Putting two and two together it seemed reasonable to hypothesise that true pyramids might have been built to simply replace an energy supply four times as dense. If true, that earlier supply could only have been some artificial source of beamable power, presumably microwaves. To top

Although little conclusive evidence was available in Egypt, the presence at Teotuhuacan of massive tunnels lined with enormous sheets of mica 27.5m sqare and weighing in excess of 630 tons each was as conclusive as any evidence could ever be of the extensive use of microwaves at the site. Mica is the best known electrical and radio frequency insulator  but  has no role in normal construction. I was hoping to find evidence of the use of microwaves and that is precisely what I found, plus the waveguides to channel and control their use on a scale that was almost unimaginable.

As to who the trading partners were at sites across the wworld, since the trade was clearly almost indecently profitable, the traders must have travelled far in large ships with a large crew and a massive cargo capacity. Since the majority of the ancient pyramid sites demonstrate a vast expansion of agricultural production, often over a very strictly limited period of time, it must be assumed that this agricultural produce played a significant role in the trade. And since such produce is by definition to some degree perishable, it poses the question of what type of trader with global access and often far from the sea, would be prepared to trade a fortune in this manner for perishable food supplies, enough to feed the crew of a large ship or a not-so-small army. To top

Normal ocean traders would certainly be interested in herbs and spicesm cotton, silks and tea etc but they would not require the expansion of agricultural producton and perishable goods seen at every major pyramid site but especially in Egypt. To top

There was no conventional option that fitted all the known facts in any conventional way so other  possibilities had to be considered. Was it possible for example that the trade, the traders and the carriage of payloads of up to 800 tonnes in weight was all carried out by air, and if so, could those traders possibly be alien?

Apart from the alien connection, I believe all the other elements and sassociated technologies can now be proven beyond all reasonable doubt. I would also say that as far as I'm concerned, the alien connection is also the only one that makes any sense to me at all. However at this point in time I fully accept that I cannot  prove it in any definitive way. To top

Associated Developments

It is on record from part of the translation of the famous Palermo Stone that the Pharoah Sneferu (father of Khufu, builder of the Great pyramid, c2550BCE) , in one year alone, ordered the creation of "35 new estates with people and 122 new farms (ranches?) ". 155 new farms in total in just one year? It seems inconceivable. Sneferu is also credited with three major pyramids (Bent, Red and Meidum) and the development of 'solar pyramid' technology. Busy man!.(see The Complete Pyramids, by Mark Lehner , p228)

These estates were scattered along the 800km length of the Nile valley, from Elephantine (Aswan area) to the Delta and each was given significant annual production targets , quite literally set in stone.  In Egypt, the produce lists include a considerable quantity of meat, fish, poultry, bread and grain, as well as herbs and spices and less perishable goods. To top America too

A similar picture has emerged at Caral in Peru, one of 18 pyramid-based communities in the Supe valley. Caral is at least 30km from the sea but shows the significant, large-scale production of dried ocean fish, cotton, herbs, spices and various narcotics. It is clear the  production was part of a significant trading arrangement. This, in an area that is now a totally unproductive, stony desert. Without fresh water and a means of rapidly transporting perishable goods over long distances to a factory and/or market , how can these findings be credible?

On the Andes, and along the west coast of South America especially, numerous ancient cultures over many millennia were engaged in prolific agricultural production and trade in a region now noted as the driest on earth because of the Humbolt ocean current that carries icy water north  along this coast.from polar seas.  How were these regions ever made productive and how is it they have since devolved into unproductive and totally infertile desert? To top

General Wellbeing

During the time of their operation, the pyramids may well have had something to do with facilitating the defined historical period of  high fertility and  significant over-production that made regional goods available for highly successful trade with distant customers.

It is certainly possible, in Equador and Peru, that the ocean currents might have changed but since a similar picture is repeated at pyramid sites across the globe its more likely, I suggest, that the construction of pyramids has something to do with the obvious increase in rainfall in this somewhat earlier period of our history. To top

A Secondary Role

Wherever pyramids are found, there is abundant evidence they affected local weather and, even unattended, continued to do so until they were reduced to rubble. In some cases they produced rain where rain did not naturally occur. In other regions, it seems they produced numerous smaller storms and so mitigated the occurrence of far more damaging tornados especially super-cell tornados.

In the central states of the USA, around 39,000 small so-called 'burial mounds' have been destroyed in the past 100 years by farmers looking for Indian relics. Although few relics have ever been recorded from these adventures, (and who would report evidence of their own illegal activity)  the destruction would appear to co-incide with a devastating increase in tornado activity, especially supercell tornados, arguably the most deadly of all storms. To top

Climate Control

I believe there is a case to be argued and an apparent natural mechanism within the weather that could be triggered by these small pyramids. If this proves correct then stopping or at least mitigating the occurrence of major storms could be as simple as building a few thousand small or larger pyramids, depending on location.

However, it should be noted that the pyramid's affect on the weather was almost certainly a secondary, happy coincidence related to their primary purpose, of launching air- and ultimately spacecraft on a vertical beam of energy. to top


Summing Up.

For 50 years I was content to have solved the riddle of the pyramids to my satisfaction. Up to that point in time I saw no reasonable chance of completing the jigsaw that is the history of our human past. There were simply too many missing pieces and missing technologies. However, as recorded in the next section, that all changed in 1997, with proof positive that beamed energy could power a craft into the air without the need for it to have assive wings or engines or carry vast supplies of  fuel.  The emergence of beamed energy as a viable technology became the trigger for the next stage of my investigation into the recovery of the lost technologies of our past.

With the evidence of beamed energy technology, I had the data to enable me to look a little further and piece together enough of the puzzle to finally realise there could be no other rational answer to the one I was pursuing.

There comes a time in the solving of any major jigsaw puzzle, when all the many separate sections suddenly connect up.  From that point on, it is only a matter of filling in the gaps. Depending on how many worked on it, it could take a while but I knew the end was in sight.

That was all five years ago and more and since then I have made a lot of prgress in the aviation technology of the visitors who, for 5000 years,  inspired the building of pyramids.

Quite inadvertently it seems, I have also found solutions to problems I had no reason to suspect had any solution at all, let alone within the technology I was exploring. Beamed energy technology led me to vortex technology and to ways of harnessing the power of Nature and then on to solutions to the problems of climate control and global warming. The first part of the solution is covered in detail in my videos 1-7. Video 8 is a vastly forshortened  version that inevitably leaves many gaps in the proof but is included hopefully to whet the appetite of more impatient or perhaps more brilliant minds. To top


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